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Neighborhood Safety

Just a quick reminder of some simple yet important advice to please take note of. 

🚙 On the Roads

Please come to a full stop at the stop signs. With the warm weather there are kids out riding bikes, walking to the pool and playing. Rolling through stop signs is not considered a safe stop. 

Also, parents of teenagers, please talk to your teenage driver to remind them that we have young children in neighborhood and ask them to slow down. 

🚶 On the Sidewalks

Our pedestrian gates are quite often found left open. This leaves the neighborhood at a higher risk of theft, unwanted guests, and other safety concerns.

We all pay for the added safety afforded to us by the gated entrance. Let's ensure we are using those gates wisely by pulling the pedestrian gates shut completely when entering and exiting the neighborhood.

💦 At the Pool

This year we have brand new and refurbished furniture at the pool at the request of homeowners. Part of the new furnishings are the umbrellas to provided additional shade. 

Please help us extend the life of the furniture by simply putting the umbrellas down after use. 

Many thanks to you all for helping us spread these reminders and continue to contribute toward a safe neighborhood for our children.

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